In Foyer, by default, any invitation you send to a staff or client will expire in one month. For various reasons (either convenience or security), some businesses would rather lengthen or shorten the invitation expiration.
We have a setting to accomplish just that.
To modify the length that registration invitations are active for your client portal, navigate to the Organization Settings page by clicking "Org" on the left drawer, then clicking "More..." on the Org page.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the "Invitation Expiration" option. It looks like this:
The Invitation Expiration dropdown has several options including "Never" (which is only recommended for convenience -- not for security), 1 day (which is reasonable for convenience and much better security-wise), and different expiration durations in between.
The setting is applied immediately after selecting the value. Any invitations that were already sent will not be affected (the date and time of expiration is determined when the invitation was originally sent).